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Tony Perez & Second Hand Smoke

Futoshi MoriokaTony Perez CoyoteCatch Tony Perez & Second Hand Smoke often at The Saloon in North Beach
(on Saturday, October 21, 2006 for example...)

and, there's a CD release party involving a masquerade and general mayhem  slated for the Boom Boom Room in San Francisco on...

POSTPONED...  check back soon...
Futoshi MoriokaTony PerezSaloon schedule

Tony Perez & Second Hand Smoke

Tony Perez and Second Hand Smoke has its roots set in the rich soil of rhythm and blues, and funk.  In its fifth year, the five-piece hasn't changed any members and has allowed the colors of the band to combine into it's own "Jam Band" chemistry.  

All the members come from well seasoned life time carreers, and usually like to take the music to any level, and will always have the bootywiggle factor!

Tony Perez is the band's leader and sax-blowing heartthrob. He's heavily involved in Burning Man every year, builds the various edifices and eminences there. Photo of Tony above looking studly-beshirtless courtesy burningman.com

Futoshi Morioka on guitar. 

e-mail gif
e-mail Laura Talcove
for more information

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