artists & venues

San Francisco Blues News

The Digital World of Greg Stathes - 2

Here for your viewing pleasure we present some photos taken by Greg Stathes, infamous doorman bouncer barboy and all-around enabler of The Saloon, San Francisco's oldest bar and perhaps the world's best blues hangout. It wouldn't be possible without Greg.

These photos are in no particular order at all, are captioned when we know who we're seeing, and are unretouched, only re-sized.

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Juce Garcia & fans

Juce Garcia & more fans (Ray on the right)


looks like Palmer exiting on the left

this one's a link

Robie Bean

Scott Palmer

Silvia 'Bride of Nitro' Cicardini

Silvia Cicardini walks the bar

The Bachelors (?)

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The Saloon

artists & venues

San Francisco Blues News